
As I already explained, I don’t own many books on knitting. One of the few I’ve succumbed to, though, is Boutique Knits by Laura Irwin.

I’m a big lover of hats of all shapes and sizes, and this book contains some that I simply adore. It also features interesting structural solutions, and while the patterns do not have that additional element of pampering the knitter that I so love in other designers (e.g. line by line instructions, detailed explanations), they are clear and concise. Even though I’ve had the book for almost a full year now, I’ve only made one design from it. How is this possible?! Indeed, I must rectify this situation asap! My first candidate is the hat pictured on the cover of the book (Side Slip Cloche), and the second one is this (click the photo to find the pattern on Ravelry).

In the meantime, let me show you the one and only I’ve made so far: Argyle Lace Hat.

It is modelled gracefully by my former flatmate, who got to keep it!

I had some issues with this project, and considered ripping it for a while, but Sana liked it. It was my first lace ever so it looks really sloppy. Also, there are way too many buttons, which makes that side of the hat very stiff and just weird, if you ask me.

And the visible crown decreases make it look a bit too much like a chef’s hat for my taste.

However, if you have lots of hair, the extra slouchiness will come in handy!

And finally, I cannot stress enough how much I love love love the brim – I will definitely be using it for many projects to come. It is so simple to make and yet so decorative. All in all, I was surprized by the reaction on Ravelry – this seems to be one of my hats that other people like the most!

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About fridica

I started knitting completely by accident, when I was visiting my parents for a holiday in 2008. On a boring Sunday afternoon, I decided to dig through their stash of books to see if there was anything interesting to take back to my apartment. A knitting manual happened to be one of the books I found. I got curious, my mom immediately dug out her old needles and yarn stash (which she hadn’t used in a decade at least), and in a few minutes we were both casting on - she by memory, I by following the instructions from the book… :) Since I normally prefer learning from books, this was ideal.. I took the book home with me, and very very soon - I was an addict.

4 thoughts on “blue

  1. You are waaaay too critical, the blue hat is a beauty! I like the brim too, very smart. And I just love the buttons, they give it a bit of quirkiness. Off to look at your projects at Ravelry :)

  2. Wow, I think it looks great, especially on your friend!

    I’ve also got this book, though I’ve yet to make anything from it. I’m excited to see what pattern you knit up next!

    • I started the one from the cover, but the yarn I had chosen for it turned out to be weird (it’s spun uneven, but in some weird lumpy way, so it doesn’t make the texture more interesting – rather it makes it look like I can’t make two identical knit stitches), so I gave up until I find a better one. Just from reading through the pattern and knitting a little bit, though, I can tell you it’s going to be super-fast! It’s basically just knitting the narrow band, picking up stitches and knitting round in stockinette. Should be a one or two nights’ affair! :)

  3. Pingback: buttony! « fridica

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