baby booties 3.0

This was the third pair of baby booties I made back in the spring.

I think they might be my favourite.

I gave them to my friend to play around with.

I think he came up with some great stuff. Don’t you? :)

p.s. The sun came out today and the day actually resembled summer for a while… It made me sooooo happy! How has your day been?

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About fridica

I started knitting completely by accident, when I was visiting my parents for a holiday in 2008. On a boring Sunday afternoon, I decided to dig through their stash of books to see if there was anything interesting to take back to my apartment. A knitting manual happened to be one of the books I found. I got curious, my mom immediately dug out her old needles and yarn stash (which she hadn’t used in a decade at least), and in a few minutes we were both casting on - she by memory, I by following the instructions from the book… :) Since I normally prefer learning from books, this was ideal.. I took the book home with me, and very very soon - I was an addict.

14 thoughts on “baby booties 3.0

  1. I’m on vacation so I knitted this morning on the patio and it was wonderful! Then, I started cleaning during lunch time and then, decided to do a few errands I had been postponing for weeks, not to say months. It didn’t go all that well, but at least, I bought the buttons for my Thermal. And then it rained a lot. A now, the day is almost over ;-) Hope you have other good summer days in Brussels… The little booties are very cute! These remind me of cinnamon ;-)

  2. My day started with a hospital appointment so I was big and brave and took my knitting – there I was knitting in public and chatting to a lady in the waiting room whose first words were ‘socks, eh?’

    Lovely wee bootees………….

  3. They are so adorbs!

    Today has been splendid here. All sunshine and blue skies while I was out, and horrible rain whenever I was in. Perfect shopping weather and great knitting weather all in one day :D

  4. They are adorable! The photos are really well done, too. Hope you have more sunny weather – sadly, it’s so hot here in the Southeastern US that I’m just about ready for fall! : )

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