
Loop is, without a doubt, my favorite yarn shop in the world. Ok, to be honest, I haven’t seen that many yarn shops worldwide (yet!), but I am quite confident that Loop will always have a special place in my yarny heart. :) Yesterday, Loop moved. Now, I loved their sweet little shop on Cross Street in Angel, but I have a feeling I will get over missing it veeeery soon, and let me show you why.

The new shop is located on Camden Passage, which I had somehow managed to miss on my traipses around Angel so far. It’s the most magical street ever. Crafty shops, street vendors of antique and vintage stuffs, and I’m told the finest frozen yogurts ever. I actually walked down the street because it looked interesting, not knowing where Loop was exactly, and thought to myself wow it would be so awesome if it was here. Then I turned around, and it was there! Let me illustrate: this is the view you get from inside Loop.

Yup, right onto the antiques fair! And don’t you love that huge front window? They thought of every detail.

And the window to me looks like a magic world just inviting you to come in!

There are some busy little hands working for Loop. I love the sample baby sweaters that you can always see on display! What an adorable way to showcase your gorgeous yarns!

In this photo, you can see the super-energetic Juju (in the green and blue cardi – her own design), who made us all feel incredibly welcome and at home at our new knitters’ sanctuary. Juju writes most of the stuff on the Loop blog.

And let us just zoom in a bit on one of my favorite items in the shop. This amazing photo of a sheep. Doesn’t it just radiate with power? It makes me really happy that they gave it such a special spot.

But let’s leave the downstairs now, please follow me, along this gorgeous warm carpet, upstairs!

Yes, there is an upstairs. It is a spacious room full of light, with windows on two sides! My camera didn’t do justice to this tide of light that shines on the room, but take my word for it – you will never have to worry about not being able to see your stitches in this space!

The Loop people really worked on making the customers feel comfortable in the shop. There are comfy armchairs all over the place, and a plushy couch, which I occupied for a few hours, so didn’t get a photo of it.

Just choose your favorite and grab it before anyone else does… If I happen to be there, you’ll definitely have to fight me for it! :)

There is also, of course, a LOT of yarn. Here are some happy customers inspecting it…

And guess what! My dream has come true – the yarn is organized by weight, which is clearly marked by these sweet wooden labels… No more stressing about not knowing which section of the shop to look at!

There’s also lots of sample swatches, which I think is one of those small details that distinguish the really good yarn shops. This yellow one probably caught my eye because my life is full of seed stitch at the moment (still working on this).

And have I mentioned the little touches that make the shop feel like a magic world? :)

And a treasury of forgotten lore… The best place to revive it!

I had the happiest few hours in Loop, and I can’t wait to go back! You wouldn’t believe how many people I heard say I never want to leave and I want to live here! I have nothing left to do but fully agree with them, and I can’t tell you how much this means to me after the unfortunate recent incident: I’ve found my new home. :)

p.s. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway – it’s dead easy! :) And don’t be silly with comments like I don’t deserve to win cause this is the first time I’m visiting. I am thrilled for every visitor and every click, even if you only come once! Hugs and have a lovely Sunday! :)

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About fridica

I started knitting completely by accident, when I was visiting my parents for a holiday in 2008. On a boring Sunday afternoon, I decided to dig through their stash of books to see if there was anything interesting to take back to my apartment. A knitting manual happened to be one of the books I found. I got curious, my mom immediately dug out her old needles and yarn stash (which she hadn’t used in a decade at least), and in a few minutes we were both casting on - she by memory, I by following the instructions from the book… :) Since I normally prefer learning from books, this was ideal.. I took the book home with me, and very very soon - I was an addict.

26 thoughts on “Loop

  1. it looks amazing! i have very sadly come to share the views you expressed in your recent experience about the self-same shop (i can tell it’s the same place just by the experience you describe!) so might just have to make the trek up to the new loop very soon. it looks so beautiful! can’t wait to see.

    • Yeah, I had always put off going to Loop before, but when you think about it, Angel is actually not that far at all :) You’re lliving somewhere on the South Bank as well, right? If the day is nice I wouldn’t even mind walking there… :)

  2. I am soooo jealous. There are no yarn stores where I live. (Ok, we’ve got some about an hour away.) We’ve got three cigar stores, but no yarn stores. Thank you for sharing such a lovely little shop so folks like me can enjoy it vicariously. :-)

  3. Wow- that looks like an amazing place. I am more than a little jealous that you live close enough right now to call it your LYS.

    (sorry if this shows up more than once I was having PC troubles).

    • Yeah, people were talking about that! While I was there (which was for a few hours, blush), there were ebbs and flows of people, sometimes it was nice and quiet (though at no point was it empty) and sometimes had vast amounts of people. :)

  4. Wow! My hubby wants to go to Scotland…perhaps via Loop!! LOL!!

    That store is a must see…we have a ton of stores around here, but nothing like that! Yep, count me in as a little jealous, too! :)

    • Sounds like you’ve got a plan! ;) I’m going on a trip to Paris in a few weeks and trying to figure out how I’m going to force my boyfriend to go to the Sewing Cafe with me… :)

  5. Pingback: In which I go to Loop and fall for some absurdly thick yarn. « bluestocking stitcher's crafty stuff

  6. Pingback: Opening Day Party

  7. Wonderful review of a wonderful shop. I myself tried to take pictures of Loop to try to capture the wonder of it but I came no where close to your photos. They captured it.

    • Thank you. I’ve been trying to work on my photography lately, and I’m happy to say I can see some improvements, but it’s a slow process and takes a loooot of practice… :)

  8. Pingback: Kaleidoscope | fridica

  9. Pingback: happy birthday, Fran | fridica

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